White House // Producing premium Covid communication

White House is a premium office building in the Váci Corridor in Budapest, that is an uplifting green piece of architecture including an entirely re¬furbished turn-of-the-century standalone loft. With the arrival of Covid, the landlord of the property was looking to react quickly, so we needed to get communication designed, and launched in a short timeframe.

Advertising worked with Warburg-HIH Invest to build up an internal Covid communication package for White House.
General COVID sticker

A4 sized elevator sticker.

Creatives of the entrance digital panel

Creatives for the constantly changing entrance screen.

To reflect the uncertainty of the environment, we worked out a flexible tenant communication concept to highlight safety and hygienic measures in the property. During the planning process, we considered the existing brand elements and messaging system.
Main digital creative presented across the building digital screens

Main digital creative presented across the building digital screens.

Illustrations made for the creatives

Illustrations made for the creatives.

Our team created a comprehensive communication package for in-house platforms. We called it ‘Space=Safe’, the idea was based on prevention. Besides the communication, Advertising established hygienic points in White House, and we also covered all in-house platforms to inform tenants.
On of the COVID digital creatives

We are always happy to find the template free solution for our client. We don't want to give you a service or a design, we want to solve your problem through planning and maximised execution. This is what we do.
